Here’s a list of the main attractions you can enjoy during your stay at Chirripó National Park: Chirripó Summit First on the list is the most famous attraction, the summit of Costa Rica, Cerro Chirripó. A rocky mountain standing at 3,821 meters (12,536 feet) above sea level, it presents a true challenge for visitors. On clear days, you can observe both oceans, the Pacific and Atlantic. From the summit, you can also see the San Juan and Morrenas lakes, as well as the Turrialba, Irazú, and Barú volcanoes in Panama. The Crestones Second on the list are Los Crestones, standing at 3,721 meters (12,205 feet) above sea level. Due to their beauty and significance, they were declared a National Symbol of Costa Rica in April 2011. One of their most famous rocks is called “Aguja” (Needle), which reaches a height of 60 meters. From here, you can observe Cano Island, Cerro Ami, Cerro Amó, the General Valley, and the diverse landscapes surrounding the area. Cerro Terbi Just about 10 minutes of walking from Los Crestones, you’ll find Cerro Terbi, standing at 3,760 meters (12,336 feet) above sea level. This site offers a spectacular view of the Sabana de los Leones and Cerro Ventisqueros, making it a perfect spot to enjoy the surrounding beauty. Valle de los Conejos On the other hand, Valle de los Conejos is the starting point for visiting any of the park’s attractions. From here, you can observe the U- and V-shaped formations of the valleys, a result of glaciation. Despite its name originating from the abundance of rabbits in the valley, unfortunately, due to climatic conditions and human-caused damage, it has become difficult to see them frequently, especially during the day. Cerro Ventisqueros A notable feature of this attraction is that it’s a favorite among many visitors due to its breathtaking panoramic views. As an additional fact, Ventisqueros stands at 3,812 meters (12,507 feet) above sea level, and its name comes from the significant amount of wind that the area experiences. The trail leading to this attraction is a bit technical, but it is well worth the effort to explore. Laguna Ditkevi The next attraction is Ditkevi, one of the most visited lagoons due to its easy accessibility. According to an indigenous legend, it is said that if you entered the lagoon while being impure or having committed a sin, a dragon would appear and devour you. However, if the dragon believed you could be forgiven, it would allow you to return alive. Therefore, it’s best to think twice before entering or touching the waters of this lagoon. Laguna San Juan Although many refer to it as El Pececito, Lagunita, or Tortirica, its true name is Laguna San Juan. It is the second deepest lagoon in Costa Rica, with a temperature of 14°C. As a result, the Chirripó Pacífico River originates from it. On the other hand, it is considered the least visited lagoon in the area. Valle de las Morrenas As a result of the sediments that concentrate along the shores of the lagoon, it receives its name. The temperature of the lagoon is 14°C, and it is considered the second most visited lagoon in the area. Sabana de los Leones The name Sabana de los Leones is believed to have originated from a story where, long ago, people thought they had spotted a lion in the savannah, but it turned out to be a puma. On the other hand, some say the name comes from the type of grass found in the area, which, when the wind blows, resembles the mane of a lion. In recent years, this Chirripó attraction has become more popular, as it is part of the San Jerónimo-Base Crestones route. Additionally, day trips to Sabana de los Leones from San Jerónimo de San Pedro are now allowed, making it even more accessible for visitors. Chirripó Map Finally, here is the map created by the national park, where you can see the location of each of the attractions. To conclude, we hope this information has been very helpful. Now, how many attractions do you already have on your bucket list? Which attraction are you missing out on? If you have more frequent questions about Chirripó, click here to learn more. Remember to share your photos using #yosubialchirripo #caminatasalchirripo #puntomasaltodecostarica!